Noah at age 7 (June 2016)
Noah Von Rivendell
Ramzes Crni Lotos x Aksa Elez Rott
Exceptional head...awesome size, substance and bone...powerful, clean movement...outgoing, engaging temperament...
AKC #WS28223206
OFA HIPS (Good) #RO-71247G24M-VPI
OFA ED Free/Normal #RO-EL8000M27-VPI
AKC DNA Profile # V772230
Show Wins:
V4 Open Male, RKNA Breed Show, Kingsville, MD, April 21, 2013
V2 Open Male, E Carolina RK, Jacksonville NC, March 17, 2013
V2 Open Male, AIRK MARK Sieger, Mooresville, NC, Oct. 6, 2012
V Open Male, ARV National Sieger, Caryville, TN, Sept. 16, 2012
V2 Open Male, E Carolina RK, Jacksonville, NC, March 18, 2012
V3 Open Male, USRC SE Regional, Leesburg VA, Nov. 5, 2011
V3 Open Male, MARK Show, NC, October 22, 2011
V1 Open Male/Reserve Champion, ARV SE Regional Show, Crittendon, KY, 2011
V4 Open Male, ARC Sieger Show, Lancaster, PA, May 15, 2011
V4 Open Male, SPARK Select Show, PA, April 11, 2011
V Open Male, ECRK 2011 National Sieger Show, NC, March 20, 2011
V1 Open Male, MARC Show NC, October 24, 2010
V4 (12-18 mo), E Carolina RK, March 20, 2010
Best Male Puppy/VP1 (6-9 mo), SE Regional Show/BST, June 6, 2009
VP2 (6-9 mo.), Hudson Valley RK National Sieger/BST, May 8, 2009
"Correct scissors, full dentition, 3 years, large to very large, excellent substance, excellent boning, good attitude, very strong male head, slightly wrinkled skin on skull, correct set and carried ears, dark brown slightly round eye, strong muzzle with slight rise above nose, excellent pigment, excellent chest proportions, well muscled shoulder, very good topline, good under line with slight tuck up, correct set and carried tail, slightly down in pasterns, very good front with excellent rear angels, rich tan markings, could be better defined on fore chest, unrestricted balanced movement, moves with purpose, willingness to work, excellent reach in drive." --Mick Svalijeck, FCI Australia Judge